Motorizing Your Grain Mill
We recently received an email from Richard Martin, who kindly shared photographs of his beautiful bench-grinder conversion. Here are his letter and photographs: Thought you guys might get a kick out of this setup. I had an old bench grinder stand sitting around the shop that I was tired of tripping over. I rigged up an adjustable motor mounting plate for belt tension, fed the reduction pulley out the back of the cabinet, and we now have a motorized mill running at 72 RPM. =)
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Keith and Tana Hanlon sent us the following letter and photos about how they motorized their Country Living using a tool they already had on hand: “Hello All, Just want to say how much we enjoy using your mill. We turn out anywhere from 8 to 12 cups of flour weekly. Good exercise to say the least. but alas, I tired of turning it by hand and decided to add a motor. After much research, I found I did not know enough about electric motors, and using a drill seemed…
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DIY: Motorizing The Country Living Grain Mill With A Wind-Shield Motor On a regular basis, we here at Country Living Products have the pleasure of receiving emails and other correspondence from customers who have done innovative and interesting things with the Country Living Mill. Noel Abela’s motorization of a Country Living Grain Mill using a windshield wiper motor certainly qualifies as innovative and interesting. What’s more, Noel has gone to the trouble of creating a video detailing how he put together this mechanical marvel. Noel Abela put this together in…
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