Swimming the Sun



A manual of downward mobility in a world running faster than the speed of life

Lake Shoecraft became my father and my mother. I was nurtured on its shores; its waters were my womb and I was its suckling son. The lake became a passion, a joy, and betimes a sorrow…

In a time so filled with things much bigger than life, this book is dedicated to the small–to real life; a manual of downward mobility; a celebration of joy for things and events often unseen and unthought in a world running faster than the speed of life.

About the Author:
Whole-grain guru, Jack Jenkins, is the former nationally syndicated radio host of “Looking at Tomorrow” and “American Reflections,” the inventor of the Country Living Grain Mill and, not least, the father of seven children. He is a firm believer in appreciating the many small miracles that surround us, yet all too often go unnoticed as we rush through our hurried and busy lives.

For excerpts and readings from Swimming the Sun go here:
Swimming the Sun Blog Post


  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Width: 6 in
  • Depth: 0.5 in
  • Height: 9 in

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