Country Living
DIY: Motorizing The Country Living Grain Mill With A Wind-Shield Motor On a regular basis, we here at Country Living Products have the pleasure of receiving emails and other correspondence from customers who have done innovative and interesting things with the Country Living Mill. Noel Abela’s motorization of a Country Living Grain Mill using a windshield wiper motor certainly qualifies as innovative and interesting. What’s more, Noel has gone to the trouble of creating a video detailing how he put together this mechanical marvel. Noel Abela put this together in…
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Learn how to make delicious whole wheat sourdough waffles, using your own starter made from fresh fruit.
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Every morning as I come into work I am greeted with the piteous cries of an apparently famished feline named Ghosty (named so because his abundant fur is as gray as a ghostly vapor tickling the glassy surface of the lake before the dew has ceased settling on the emerald blades of grass that borders its shores) who begs me to scoop a cup of food and pour it into her dish so that she might nourish her feeble frame and assuage her ravenous hunger. These mendicantive meows are repeated thrice a…
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The first school buses of autumn send shivers through me. It’s true. Those yellow-carriers-of-children to some endless dolor of desks and chalky dust evoke in me inner prickles of impending loss. Once the diesel-belching yellow dragons start sniffing out the summer-bleached children I know that all that’s halcyon and warm will soon be shorn and shrunk. Long and leisurely swims in the lake will end and the curtains of night will draw ever tighter around the waning windows of winter light. Everything, everything will be foreshortened. The constraints of ever…
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Check out our first recipe video! This shows you how to make a delicious treat out of 100% whole wheat flour. They are light, fluffy and absolutely irresistible. You will love this Monkey Bread as a fall snack for the kids or finger food for a party.
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There’s nothing quite like wandering into your own backyard when the heat of a sunny summer day begins to cool and harvesting a bowl full of berries. The strawberries like to hide beneath broad leafs and checking beneath often reveals some succulent red berry that has escaped my notice. The real question is whether or not it has escaped the notice of the slugs–those slimy gooey pests who like to sleep in the shade of strawberry bushes and occasionally awake to gorge themselves on my berries, before falling again into…
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Excerpt from Country Living Grain Mill Review – Walden Labs “The benefits of grinding your own grains are many, one benefit being that you avoid the highly processed and refined flour that you buy in the store. That stuff is dead! Whole grain flour is healthier, plus whole grains store much longer than flour. While you could grind your own flour with just stones you’ll want a proper grain mill to do it effectively, for example the Country Living Grain Mill. The Country Living Grain Mill is one of the…
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Hello Mr. Jenkins, You kindly brought one of your mills to the Grain Gathering at WSU-Mount Vernon in August, where I picked it up. Since then the mill has been out in the shop where my husband has been working on motorizing the mill and making a cart, so the mill can be portable. He worked very hard on this project, during his spare time! I wanted to write and let you know how much I am enjoying the mill, and to send some pictures of what my husband built…
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We received the following note from a Country Living Mill owner: “Love our mill. My father (90 years old) has adopted it — He’d grind flour every day I think! We really do love it. Here’s a picture from one week in January, so you can see what we’re doing. All sourdough, no added yeast, fresh ground white wheat and rye flours.” -Metra Christofferson
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The Most Beautiful Thing in The World I took a little, informal poll the other day. The question wasn’t very controversial and the responses won’t change anybody’s foreign policy or campaign strategy. But for me? The answers made my day. I was musing one day over the many lovely things that this old world has to offer, and I was feeling frankly thankful for them all. As I pondered, my curiosity began to pique. Surely, though my thankfulness covered a broad spectrum, there were things that I had overlooked. Perhaps…
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