Listen to the grain grinding song as composed by Australian folk singer, songwriter Leone Hunt.
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This morning I received a phone call from a very pleasant lady from Missouri. She said that they had bought the Country Living Mill several months ago and that they had been very happy with it, it gave them beautiful flour. They used wheat that they had stored in their freezer. When they had ground the last of their freezer stored wheat they purchased more grain, packaged in paper bags, from a nearby bulk food store. They then stored the mill and the wheat in their basement. After a couple…
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As part of an educational and informational program demonstrating at exhibitions and schools nationwide, the Canadian Grain Commission selected the Country Living Grain Mill to illustrate the concepts of self-sufficiency and whole living. For many of the children (and even some of the adults) this was their first introduction to the process of breadmaking and they were amazed to find out that their bread came from somewhere else besides the local grocery store. Below are a series of pictures from the Calgary Exhibition. As part of the Canadian Grain Commision’s…
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This report on dehulling buckwheat was prepared by Tom Kast, who was kind enough to share the information with us and asked us to disseminate it for the benefit of our other customers: Step 1 – Get round-hole test screens from a seed testing house such as Seedburo.com. The screens are measured in 64ths of an inch. Purchase the 9, 10 and 11 64th’s screens. They are 15″ square perforated pieces of metal. If you pay a bit extra they come with frames, or if you want to save a…
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Dear Mr. Jenkins, We purchased the mill quite a long time ago, late 80s or early 90s, and I have used it on and off since then, but never so much as I have in the past couple of years. I used to have it clamped to the peninsula in the kitchen and I always kept the hopper full because when my kids’ friends came by they enjoyed having contests to see who could grind a hopper the fastest, so you had better believe I was johnny-on-the-spot keeping wheat going…
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I suggest that you look for an exercycle with a cast iron flywheel and enough space between the frame and the flywheel to allow you to bring a V-belt out from the hub. It was 4:55 a.m., the time that our alarm radio does its early morning thing. My consciousness was struggling when an announcer began intoning something about “the most fuel-efficient machine in the world. This marvelous machine gets 914 miles per gallon,” he said. Suddenly, I was very awake. Visions of replacing our 12 miles-to-the-gallon van leaped into…
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